Matis Absolut Lounge

As one of the few truly multifunctional venues in Zagreb, the Matis Absolut Lounge is special because of its ability to transform for any occasion. Celebrations of family events, conferences, presentations, parties or simply to enjoy yourself with coffee and discreet noise of the fountain – all this you can have in Matis Absolut Lounge.

With 230 m2 of the elegant multifunctional hall, there are 600 m2 of summer garden and terrace dominated by a lavish fountain with four illuminated water fountains. This ambiance is ideal for classy weddings and receptions because the garden provides the ambiance of an elite countryside club with beautiful grassy surfaces – all in the city center.

The venue capacity varies depending on purpose. 150 seating places in the banquet setting are easily converted into 180 conference seating places or 300 standing places in cocktail variant and even 500 places during summer months when a garden and a terrace are available. The visual impression features over 600 elements of interactive LED lighting, LED wall and two LED screens, and 4 LCD projectors. With this kind of equipment, which few places feature, you really have more than you need to play creatively and work with our professional team to create amazing light scenes for your events. In addition to superior lighting, there is free Wi-Fi and 12 iPads that you can use for entertainment or promotional purposes.

Capacity: 150 – 500
Venue suitable for: family events, business events, private parties
Parking: Yes
Phone: 091 33 55 315
Address: TrgStjepanaRadića 3, Zagreb

Krajnji primatelj financijskog instrumenta sufinanciranog iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj u sklopu Operativnog programa "Konkurentnost i kohezija"
Izjava o financiranju: EUROADRIA d.o.o. – krajnji korisnik poziva „Bespovratne potpore za digitalizaciju“ financiranog iz Nacionalnog plana oporavka i otpornosti 2021. – 2026.”